January Fitness Challenge
Daily fitness challenge for the month of January. Challenging set of leg exercises.
I have been a functional fitness coach for several years now and recently started up a fitness group outside of the gym. We discuss goals, meet weekly to do an outdoor workout, and have a daily challenge each month.
The intent of the daily challenge is to create productive habits and begin to induce adaptations mentally and physically. The at-home exercise is never more than ten minutes, often less.
Anyone can find a few minutes in the day to do something beneficial for themselves.
That’s all you need to begin seeing changes assuming you’re doing the same task. The Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demands (SAID) Principle is one I write about often.
The more you do anything, the better you get at that specific thing.
Plasticity or our body’s ability to physiologically adapt to optimize performance based on what we consistently put it through is amazing.
Machine learning for humans.
I’m going to begin sharing the fitness group’s daily challenge at the top of each month.
P.S. Participation in this group is completely free and anyone is welcome. We have a few members who live out of state but joined for the daily challenge and connection with like-minded people. Message me if interested.
This is not a new year, new me challenge nor would I even suggest it to be a New Year’s resolution.
92% of people fail to keep New Year’s resolutions. There are many reasons for this abysmal statistic, however, it mainly comes from the fact that people are just following a fad while setting unreasonable goals.
just had a fantastic post with ten suggested beneficial habits for those interested in practical changes that can be incorporated into a life and cause immediate benefit.I would highly recommend reading this post if wanting to take on a New Year’s resolution and be in the 8% of people who make it stick.
The daily challenge for the month of January, like all of my daily challenges, is meant to supplement one’s typical routine. A short, achievable task that will cause progressive adaptions when done consistently.
January Daily Challenge: Quad Killer
Unmodified Quad Killer: 25 front lunges, 25 air squats, 25 jumping lunges, and 25 jump squats.
You only need to watch the first thirty seconds of the above video to see demonstrations of the first four movements. Watch the rest if you want to see me go through one set while trying to hide the pain.
Initially modify as needed in order to complete the challenge. The neuromuscular adaptions you’ll experience as you continue to show up each day will eventually lead to unmodified execution.
Modifications can include:
Fewer reps per movement
Breaking up the movements into smaller sets such as 5 sets of 5 reps for each of the movements per set.
Removing the plyometric/jumping movements
Using a chair or fixed object for support during any/all movements.
Find a pace you can maintain with modifications that allow for continued movement/minimal rest.
The more you do it, the better you’ll get. Just like anything else.
Eventually, the elite goal is to complete this circuit in less than two minutes.
Daily Challenge vs Challenging Workouts
In a previous Workout of the Week post, I created a circuit that involved five sets of the quad killer. It was one of the hardest leg workouts I did this year. This daily challenge only requires 20% of that leg effort.
Easy day, right?
This 100-rep circuit is simple in design, but difficult in execution.
I would tell anyone to do my daily challenges over my workouts of the week if you had to pick one.
Consistency will always produce better and more lasting results than intermittent intensity.
Ideally, one builds up to incorporating a quick way to earn the day while also adhering to a fitness schedule that aligns with personal goals and life fulfillment.
New Revelations
I’m posting this a day early so you can get one round in before January 1st.
Screw indefinite resolutions.
Pursue delayed revelations with miniature challenges that can be progressively built upon.
You will be different by the end of January if you consistently complete this circuit regardless of modifications.
Use a brief fitness routine to insert control and success into every day.
Self-care through self-challenge.
A few minutes a day can change your life.
I'd love to join in on one of those outdoor sessions! I've been making a lot of strides with my leg days.
This is awesome. I just did my first one and I’m planning to keep it up for the month.