Optimize the space between your thoughts and actions.
Every interaction is an opportunity.
Do your best to keep your word, especially with yourself.
Take ownership of your health.
One circumstance can be perceived countless ways.
Challenge yourself to hold two opposing opinions simultaneously.
Avoid complaining, even in your head.
There are very few, if any, absolute truths. Many relative truths are possible simultaneously.
Compete against yourself.
Everything happens for a reason. You determine that reason.
Learn from the past and prepare for the future to optimize the present.
Schedule and prioritize uninterrupted time with your people.
Be efficient but don’t rush.
Learn from role models, both positive and negative.
Manage what is on your plate.
Wisdom is useful knowledge applied.
You only truly fail when you quit.
The only poor questions are unasked.
Focus on the processes, not the outcomes.
We are the culmination of our skills.
Seek counter perspectives.
Perceived support is often more impactful than actual support.
Hurt people hurt people. Most negative behavior is a projection of internal pain.
People workout to improve health, enhance performance, and/or look better. What are your reasons?
Personality is how one regularly behaves. Character is how one responds to adversity.
Know how to say no so you can be effective in where you’ve said yes.
Believe in something bigger than yourself.
Do something difficult or something valuable that you don’t want to do daily.
Set achievable goals in the short term, challenging but realistic goals in the mid term, and optimistic stretch goals in the long term.
Over communicate but don’t over explain.
Live within your means.
Be selfish in order to be selfless. You can’t support others unless you take care of yourself.
Devices and technology can be very beneficial when used to your advantage.
Build resilience by intentionally causing and then recovering from stress.
The ability to compromise and sacrifice for good reason is a strength.
Prioritize sleep, nutrition, physical exertion and mental health.
Be critical of yourself and tolerant toward others.
Do the small things well and the big things will become easier.
Quality over quantity.
Almost everything is a mental state.
Contemplate death to appreciate life.
Always remember attitude and effort are choices.
Every failure is a learning opportunity.
It’s never too late to change.
Gratitude is a practice.
Never be certain. Anything is possible.
Pursue lifelong learning.
Consistency makes conscious habits subconscious.
Have at least one hobby.
Don’t just consume. Create.
Pursue strategies to become more comfortable when experiencing discomfort.
Experience leads to confidence.
Take responsibility for your life, especially your mistakes.
Be charitable in your own way.
Setbacks can be opportunities.
Have a morning, evening and pre-workout routine.
Strive for balance in all matters.
Know your inner circle, develop your networks, treat everyone with respect.
Never lose your sense of humor.
Practice empathy.
Don’t listen to opinions of those whose advice you wouldn’t seek.
Respect should always be shown while trust should always be earned.
Appearances can be misleading. True beauty comes from within.
Social media, like a firearm, is an effective but dangerous tool. Use both safely to avoid dramatic consequences.
Don’t expect yourself out of others.
Seek mentors.
Change is inevitable.
Self-discipline is the key to self-improvement.
Pay attention to how you talk to yourself.
Physical health promotes mental health. Mental health promotes physical health.
Self-awareness and reflection will illuminate opportunities for growth.
Recognize what you can and cannot control.
Work on defending opinions that oppose yours.
Perspective is your reality.
Pivoting is not quitting. Reassessment prevents needless failures.
Routinely contemplate and rank order your values. Determine alignment of your actions with those values.
Emotion regulation mastery is self-mastery.
There are many forms of meditation. Find one that suits you.
Take risks but avoid unnecessary ones.
If the product is free, you are the product.
Maintain an open mind.
Your attention and time are valuable. Use them wisely.
Do things that scare you.
Be confident but manage your ego.
Most people are good.
Self-esteem over external validation.
Give the most generous interpretation to the actions of others.
Praise in public and approach problems privately.
Be deliberate in all things, even in passivity and rest.
Get outdoors as much as possible.
Shoes are overrated in most environments.
Love is the strongest emotion and the root of all others.
Delay gratification more than instantly pursuing it.
Apologize and forgive frequently. Do not underestimate the power of repair.
Contribute to the world. Transcend your unique greatness.
Avoid complete dependence. Cultivate self-reliance.
Stay authentic to yourself.
Know how to protect yourself and others when needed.
Lead by example.
You are not a victim unless you choose to be.
Don’t take yourself or anything too seriously.
View adversity as a challenge.
Perfect isn’t possible.
Do the best with what you have.
Do most of your work silently and don’t
seek accolades.
Accept or avoid your stressors.
You can be both optimistic and realistic.
What you focus on, you get more of.
Cultivate your interests to find your calling.
Every life has a purpose or meaning. Continuously work to realize and then enact yours.
Almost all leaders are readers.
Manage your urges.
Desire diminishes gratitude.
Know your strengths and weaknesses.
Improve or get worse. Even sustainment requires effort and action.
Breathwork works.
Detect anomalies. Act accordingly.
Why you do anything is more important than what or how.
Recovery should be an active, not passive, process.
Lean into fate.
Be aware of your thoughts. The judgement of your thoughts lead to your feelings, emotions, words, actions, beliefs, habits, character and ultimately your destiny.